Take the first step
Dr. Visscher Testimonial
“I’ve received the best pricing in almost every aspect of running the practice, better benefits for myself and my team, and a dedicated support team for negotiating with insurances and much, much more. This is a great opportunity even for a younger dentist because you still retain equity in your practice, you still have ownership, and you have a more designated path towards retirement. We use the same labs, the same materials, we’re in network with the same insurances, our schedules are the same, our operating hours are the same, but now I have more time for my family and to focus on patient care.”
Dr. Angus Testimonial
“You always hear as a dentist about these companies that come in, they want to change everything and they want to make it their practice… It was different with Matt and Doug… their whole philosophy is, let the dentist do what they have been doing, we are just here to support. And since we’ve joined, that is 100% what’s happened… I have visions of where I want to take the practice and I think if I did not join Elevate it would have been a lot longer process to get where we’re at.”
Dr. Colt Testimonial
“I spent a lot of years not vacationing because I had nobody to watch the office when I was gone. Now with Elevate, I get to come to the cabin… we have no internet, no cell phone… but I know at home my practice is being taken care of. Elevate has given us the resources, I have partners – everything is covered at home.”
Dr. Rogers Testimonial
“I’m getting the best of both worlds: I’m not getting left on an island to do dentistry, I’m getting tons of support, but yet they welcome my input and my goals and desires on what I want the future to look like… It has reduced - significantly - the day to day turmoil and stress in my life.”
Nikky Naranjo Testimonial
“They have proved to me over and over that it is very different. The office didn’t work longer hours, and we didn’t work Saturdays - we just worked smarter. We were able to create a team and just become very effective at the front desk, and it’s just very well ran. The culture of the office isn’t changing at all. The only things that we do differently is we help you get to your goals, and we enhance your office in whichever way you would like to enhance your office.”
Dr. Bull Testimonial
“There was a lot of hesitation and it took us a while to decide to actually go with it, until we thoroughly vetted out the process, we talked to other doctors who had come on board with Elevate, and they all said the same thing; this is the real deal, it is as good as they’re telling you it’s going to be. It’s going to be a wonderful opening up of your business to new possibilities that you haven’t had before.”
Dr. Lydiatt Testimonial
“I knew it was the right decision. I met with Matt and Doug numerous times, and kind of just felt like it was going to be a good thing - not just for me, but my dental practice as well… Our practice is the same as it always was. We practice the way I want to practice dentistry. I order what I want to order. I treat my patients how I want to treat them. Nothing changed.“
Dr. Colt Testimonial
“They’ve been able to take care of my staff, and as a single provider I could never offer a medical plan, or a 401k, or a lot of the retirement benefits and things like that, that we now can as a group. So, it allowed me to focus more on patient care, and my time in the clinic increased and as a result our production increased. It allowed me to do what I was trained to do - be a dentist.”
Dr. Tuttle Testimonial
“One of the best things in working with Elevate is the sense of control. I wanted to make sure that I wasn’t told what to do, where to go, and how to treat patients. Elevate gives you that freedom to just treat patients. I don’t know how to file insurance claims, or manage different employee programs… I winged it, and I think I did okay, but it’s hard and it’s almost a full time job. So giving that up just lets me be a dentist, and take care of patients, and let the other stuff go.”
Dr. Jessica Duru
“Partnering with someone like Elevate means you can go off on your vacation, your maternity leave - or whatever it is that you need to do - and know everything is still being taken care of. The practice is running smoothly, people are in place where they need to be to take care of your patients and take care of your staff.”
Sarah, RDH
“As a hygienist, we have things that we like. We have certain instruments and brands that we like to use. One thing that I find that's wonderful with Elevate is within our office we have the autonomy to make those choices for ourself… The freedom of that helps me in my position. It allows me to be confident in what I’m using, and it allows me to feel supported not only by the doctors that run my office but also by Elevate who helps to support the doctors who run my office.”
“With Elevate, I don’t have to sit there and be on the phone for four hours trying to figure out if somebody’s insurance is active or not. That really gives me that time to have a connection with our patients, and I love being able to have that one on one time to really build a relationship with them.”

Let’s Connect
Stronger together than alone. We provide unique solutions to help your practice achieve your goals while maintaining your unique brand. Whatever it is you need, wherever you need us, we’ll be there. Let’s chat about your practice and how we can partner to make a difference!
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